What is Sneak Peek Clinical Gender DNA Test?
Sneak peek Clinical Gender DNA test is a type of prenatal genetic test that can determine the sex of an unborn baby as early as 6 weeks into pregnancy, using a small blood sample from the mother. It analyzes fetal DNA that is present in the mother’s bloodstream and can accurately predict whether the baby is a boy or a girl. This is done by isolating the X & Y chromosomes.
What’s the Accuracy Rate?
Our previous studies used the gender of the baby determined by the 2nd trimester anatomy ultrasound to compare SneakPeek Gender results. While anatomy ultrasound sonograms are generally considered to be accurate, like any method other than live birth, they also have an error rate. Our most recent study uses sex at live birth as its confirmation method, the only accurate method, and found that the SneakPeek Early Gender DNA Test results matched 99.9% of the time. The incorrect gender was given in only 1 result out of 1,029 live births.
How do I receive the results?
SneakPeek test results are sent by email to the “results email address” provided at the time of your blood draw. Your results email will be sent from [email protected] with the subject line “Your SneakPeek Result Is In!” With FastTrack, your sample is prioritized at the lab, and you’ll get the results the same day we receive your sample. Be sure to check all your folders including Promotions and Junk Mail in case your email filter redirects it, or use your email search toolbar to search for “sneakpeek.”
If I’m pregnant with twins, is Sneak Peek still accurate?
SneakPeek looks for male DNA in the fetal DNA found in mom’s blood sample. In the case of identical twins, if male DNA is found, then both babies are boys. If no male DNA is found, then both babies are girls. For fraternal twins, finding male DNA means at least one baby is a boy, but cannot distinguish if the second is a boy or girl.
Why choose Sneak Peek?
Sneak peek DNA tests are marketed as an early and affordable option for parents who want to find out the sex of their baby before undergoing more invasive prenatal testing methods. However, it is important to note that these tests should not be used as a substitute for medical advice or diagnosis from a healthcare professional.
Scheduling a Sneak Peek Gender DNA
Book an appointment at Sweet Moments 3D/4D Ultrasound Studio. Come in for a quick appointment at Sweet Moments 3D/4D Ultrasound Studio where you can find out baby’s gender as early as the next day.